On the loneliest trail
A horseman goes along
Head high, heels down low
Steadfast in the saddle
Slow hands on the reins
Across them western plains
He has gone from Cold Springs
Towards the Sand Spring's pass
The Expressman is the life blood of the West
Sierra Nevada is fraught
With danger and despair
Split by a man and nature
How the Spirit it drives a breeze
And with God but the devil on his heels
He has gone from Cold Springs
Towards the Sand Spring's pass
The Expressman is the life blood of the West
Pray God above, guide his path
The dust and the heavens
Cut by a fine bay mare
As he rides through the cold night air
Natives along the trail
A wolf away in the distance
Calling his pack
A colt .44 to protect him
St. Joesph Missouri, now, a long way back
He has gone from Cold Springs
Towards the Sand Spring's pass
The Expressman is the life blood of the West