Verse 1 Well Mum's packed the sandwiches
And wrapped us up in winter-wear.
She thinks we'll catch a chill
But it's 26 degrees out there.
And as she waves goodbye,
There's a tear in her eye,
But we're far too busy on the back seat to even care!
Verse 2 There's a headless chicken
We assume is running the show,
With a teaching assistant
And a first-aid bag in tow.
She counted our heads and then
Did it five more times again!
Totally regretting that she ever volunteered to go.
Verse 3 So sitting on a newspaper
Stops you feeling sick on the way?
And looking out the window
Keeps the nausea at bay?
But when you've eaten several packs
Of sweet and sickly snacks,
You'll be heaving in a lay-by on the dual carriageway!
Verse 4 Now we're back, and our teacher
Seems relatively calm.
And vomiting aside
There's been no real cause for alarm.
But when it's over and done
The worst is yet to come........
Next term's trip has already been planned
But nobody's offering to give her a hand,
'Cause who wants to spend a day at the sewage farm?