Madness hidden under the black seas rolling
Dreaming in death, he lies silent, calling
Waiting for stars to align to grant his breath
Chaos unfurls its wins to bleed its death
Winged hell rises up from the depths
Great Old One inhaling abyss
Not dead which eternal lies
In stranger eons, death may die
Twisting dreams of man into nightmares
Putrid breath breaks free into the air
Crawling chaos surrounds you as the earth splits wide
Drained of your sanity to your god your cry
Winged hell rises up from the depths
Great Old One inhaling abyss
Not dead which eternal lies
In stranger eons, death may die
Watching, waiting, eons pass around him
Lurking, hunting, Cosmos spin around you
Deathless, timeless, weaving madness freely
Rising, waking, ancient one roams free
Winged hell rises up from the depths
Great Old One inhaling abyss
Not dead which eternal lies
In stranger eons, death may die