October arrives with a sombre air
Harold Godwinson, brave and fair
In battle's fury, he met his end
As William's forces did ascend
October 1066, a month of sorrow
Harold fell, on the morrow
William the Conqueror, claims his right
To rule the land, in England's sight
On Senlac Hill, the armies clashed
Harold's fate, in battle thrashed
Arrows flew, and swords did clash
As England's future hung in the balance
October 1066, a month of sorrow
Harold fell, on the morrow
William the Conqueror, claims his right
To rule the land, in England's sight
On Senlac Hill, the armies clashed
Harold's fate, in battle thrashed
Arrows flew, and swords did clash
As England's future hung in the balance
October 1066, a month of change
William's victory, wide and strange
The Conqueror's crown, now firmly in hand
As England's fate met a new command
Harold's legacy, in battles lost
William's triumph, at great cost
The English throne, now claimed anew
As history turned, its pages grew
October 1066, a month of sorrow
Harold fell, on the morrow
William the Conqueror, claims his right
To rule the land, in England's sight
In October's chill, a kingdom mourned
As William's banner was adorned
1066's tale, forever told
In history's annals, written bold
October 1066, a kingdom's fall
Harold's death, heeded by all
William's reign, beginning then
A new era for Englishmen