All things must pass
Unless you're stuck behind a school bus
My father was an organ donor
That decision took some guts
The coach went to the local bank
He wanted his quarter-back
The duck was a little bit strange
I think it was addicted to quack
Dogs can't operate an M.R.I
But catscan
The berry truck lost it's load
It was a real traffic jam
The tomato sauce went to dance
At the towns meatball
And dad said, I'm not impressed by shopping centres
Once you've seen one, you've seen the mall
A ghost walked into a bar and ordered a shot of vodka
The bartender said, Sorry, we don't serve spirits here
I threw a boomerang a couple years ago
I now live in constant fear
Dogs can't operate an M.R.I
But catscan
The berry truck lost it's load
It was a real traffic jam
I was wondering why the frisbee kept getting bigger
But then it hit me
The problem with kleptomaniacs is
That they always take things literally
Diarrhoea is hereditary
It runs in your jeans
Just got kicked out of a secret cooking society
I spilled the beans
Dogs can't operate an M.R.I
But catscan
The berry truck lost it's load
It was a real traffic jam
A man fell down a well
He couldn't see that well
The left eye looked at the right eye and said
Between you me, something seems to smell
They said, what rhymes with orange
I said, No it doesn't
Letting go of a loved one can be difficult
But sometimes it's the only way to survive a rock climbing accident
Dogs can't operate an M.R.I
But catscan
The berry truck lost it's load
It was a real traffic jam
It's just not that funny