Inflation's grip, a global tale
From lofty heights to a gentle sail
8.7 to 6.8, and then 5.2
A journey of numbers, a changing view
Worlds at war, a quartet's stand
Authoritarian might against democracies' hand
Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea's might
Challenging the world in a fierce fight
California's crown, an economic tale
The 5th largest economy, setting sail
Amidst the chaos, a beacon bright
A state's strength in the economic light
Inflation's dip, a welcome trend
A global shift, around the bend
Worlds at war, a clash profound
California stands, on solid ground
Numbers and nations, in the song of time
Economic tides and battles prime
California's echo, a beacon's call
Inflation's dip, a hopeful sprawl
From numbers to nations, the story unfolds
Inflation's dance, and war's fierce holds
California's might, in the economic stream
A world in motion, like a waking dream
In the rhythm of headlines, a melody plays
With numbers and nations in the sun's bright rays
A catchy song of headlines true
A world's tale, for me and you