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Dropkick Murphys - The Warrior's Code Album Lyrics

Dropkick Murphys - The Warrior's Code Lyrics

Your Spirits Alive

We are the ones who will never be broken
We are the ones who survive
This is the sound that brings us together
You are the one by our side

And through it all, and through it all, the spirit's alive
And through it all, your spirit's alive

You are the memory that lives on forever
The shadow that stands by our side
This is the sound that keeps us together
We are the ones who survive


Farewell my brother
You're off to the big rink in the sky
The good lord's between the pipes
And you've got Bavis and Ace on the wing

We are the ones who will never be broken
We are the ones who survive


This is the sound that brings us together
You are the one by our side
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Copyright: Lyrics © Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

The Warriors Code

You're the fighter you've got the fire
The spirit of a warrior, the champion's heart
You fight for your life because the fighter never quits
You make the most of the hand you're dealt
Because the quitter never wins

You were born to box in a city that's seen their share
Mello, Ryan, Carney, among them your photo proudly hangs there
Above the bar in the Gaelic Club
They tell the story of a throwback
With the heart of a lion
They salute your glory

It's another murderous right
Another left hook from hell
A bloody war on the boardwalk
And the kid from Lowell rises to the bell

It's a warrior's code
He's got the warrior's soul

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Writer: Al Barr, Tim Brennan, Ken Casey, Matt Kelly, James Lynch, Marc Orrell, Josh Wallace
Copyright: Lyrics © Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

Captain Kellys Kitchen

Come single guy and gal unto me pay attention
Don't ever fall in love
It's the devil's own invention
For once he fell in love with a maiden so bewitching
Miss Henrietta Bell down in Captain Kelly's kitchen

With me toora loora la, me toora loora laddie
Me toora loora la and me toora loora laddie

At the age of seventeen I apprenticed to a grocer
Not far from Stephen's Green
Where Miss Henri' used to go sir
Her manners were sublime she set my heart a-twitchin'
When she invited me to a party in the kitchen


Sunday was the day that they were to have their flare-up
He dressed himself quite gay
I frizzed and oiled my hair up
The Captain had no wife and he had gone a-fishin'
She groped me on the stairs beneath the old man's kitchen


Her arms around my waist she slyly hinted marriage
When to the door in haste came Captain Kelly's carriage
Her eyes were full of hate and poison she was spittin'
The Captain kicked the door in and stormed into the kitchen


When the Captain came downstairs he saw my situation
In spite of all his prayers he was marched off to the station
For him they'd take no bail
To get home I was itchin'
He had to tell the tale how I came into the kitchen


I said she did invite me
But she gave flat denial
For assault she did indict me and I was sent for trial
She swore he'd robbed her house
In spite of all her screechin'
I got six months hard
For his courtin' in the kitchen

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The Walking Dead

[Verse 1:]

The greats come alive, the water's on fire
Have I been to this place before?
Yeah we danced through the night as the flames burned bright
And the patrons passed out on the floor.


What's so new about what you're saying?
It's a new generation with the same sad song.
What's so new about what you're saying?
Just another generation with the same sad song.

[Verse 2:]

The walking dead couldn't tell us any better.
It's a tale you gotta live to know.
Yeah the story you're telling is from the book I wrote
I've forgotten more then you'll ever know!
'Cause at the end of the day when the hope fades away.
It was an outlook you could never afford.
You're on one last stand, with the boys and the band
Before the demon strikes the final chord.


What's so new about what you're saying?
It's a new generation with the same sad song.
What's so new about what you're saying?
Just another generation with the same sad song.


You've got tons of fans in hell boy that much I know.
Tune me up and turn me on before I go!
Just another sad song!


What's so new about what you're saying?
It's a new generation with the same sad song.
What's so new about what you're saying?
Just another generation with the same sad song.
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Sunshine Highway

Yeah, me and my girl we're acting up again all right
She ain't much of a looker, she can handle her Paraldehyde
You were up all night at the Captain's Table drinking Tango & gin by the old piano
Playing cards and smoking cigars 'til the sun came up
Or was it going down for the night?

Take another ride on the sunshine highway
Take another ride try to turn it around
Take another ride down the sunshine highway
Take another ride try to turn it around tonight

Drop me off, sign me in, clean me up and let me out
Man that nurse is a bitch, this sucks, she says my jug ain't allowed
I've had my share of Mt. Pleasant messiahs wearing slippers & robes, trying to bum my smokes
I'm gonna Thorazine shuffle straight out that door
Head to the farm and find me a cure


Tonight, yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna make it right


Cause I'm gonna be the one
To take another ride, take another ride
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Wicked Sensitive Crew

Well it's all gone to hell now the wimps have gangs
Pop punk tough guys with neck tattoos
Well if you guys are hard then I'd rather be soft
Man I gotta find me some seriously sensitive dudes

Hey! Ho! Hey!
You gotta shake hands with your feelings
In the Wicked Sensitive Crew

In Pittsburgh they called us closed minded
But we know that's simply not true
Yeah we're touchy feely sensitive guys
I ain't ashamed I cried when Mickey died in Rocky II

In Sydney they misunderstood us
They called us thugs and mean-spirited types
Yeah we might not be Swedish
And we sure ain't vegan
But do thugs have posters on their bedroom wall of the dude
from the Darkness in a creepy meat suit zippered so low you
can practically see his...


I don't know nothing about no meat suit
but I'll tell you there's one town that's ahead of the times
Man, they know what's up for sure
You see it's home to the godfather of love
The bald little man who started it all
One Teddy "Huggybear" Etoll

Hey! Ho! Hey!
You gotta shake hands with your feelings
We've got a big hug waiting for you

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The Burden

He came from nothing he tried 'em all
Ya' gotta live low before you see them fall
Always a loser he lost his shine
They had no idea what kept the beast alive

But Frankie's gonna be alright
Yeah Frankie's gonna be alright
They said he was broke and never coming back
But Frankie's gonna be alright

He swore to show them outlast them all
And someday they would see him standing tall
He'd never give in no not back down
I hope they never give up on his sound

'Cause Frankie's gonna be alright
Yeah Frankie's gonna be alright
They said he was old and he couldn't hold a tune
But I think he's gonna be alright

'Cause Frankie's gonna be alright
Yeah Frankie's gonna be alright
They said they'd be placing roses on his grave
But I think he's gonna be alright

Frankie don't give up on yourself you heard the voice inside
Frankie don't give up on yourself only you can save your life
Frankie don't give up on yourself you heard the voice inside
Frankie don't give up on yourself only you can save your life

Came from nothing he tried 'em all
Ya' gotta live low before you see them fall
Always a loser he lost his shine
They had no idea what kept the beast alive

'Cause Frankie's gonna be alright
Yeah Frankie's gonna be alright
They said they'd be placing roses on his grave
But I think he's gonna be alright

They said they'd be placing roses on his grave
But Frankie's gonna be alright
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Copyright: Lyrics © Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

Citizen C.I.A.

.... Calling all Americans of above-average intelligence...
College graduates, apply today...
Come decimate dictatorships and overthrow regimes
In exotic far-off places the vacation of your dreams
You'll assemble puppet governments and play the hand of God
We're an equal-opportunity crime fighting squad

Citizen C.I.A.
Citizen C.I.A.

Now I've trained an army for my kids to fight one day
We'll teach them all of our secrets and then we'll walk away
We're knee-deep in guerillas, yeah the party never stops
United States of America undercover cop


Five weeks paid vacation and a 401K
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Copyright: Lyrics © Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

The Green Fields of France (No Man's Land)

Oh how do you do, young willy mcbride
Do you mind if i sit here down by your graveside
And rest for a while in the warm summer sun
I've been walking all day, and im nearly done
And i see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
When you joined the great fallen in 1916
Well i hope you died quick
And i hope you died clean
Oh willy mcbride, was is it slow and obscene

Did they beat the drums slowly
Did the play the fife lowly
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
Did the band play the last post and chorus
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind
In some loyal heart is your memory enshrined
And though you died back in 1916
To that loyal heart you're forever nineteen
Or are you a stranger without even a name
Forever enshrined behind some old glass pane
In an old photograph torn, tattered, and stained
And faded to yellow in a brown leather frame

Did they beat the drums slowly
Did the play the fife lowly
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
Did the band play the last post and chorus
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The sun shining down on these green fields of france
The warm wind blows gently and the red poppies dance
The trenches have vanished long under the plow
No gas, no barbed wire, no guns firing down
But here in this graveyard that's still no mans land
The countless white crosses in mute witness stand
Till' man's blind indifference to his fellow man
And a whole generation were butchered and damned

Did they beat the drums slowly
Did the play the fife lowly
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
Did the band play the last post and chorus
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

And i can't help but wonder oh willy mcbride
Do all those who lie here know why they died
Did you really believe them when they told you the cause
Did you really believe that this war would end wars
Well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame
The killing and dying it was all done in vain
Oh willy mcbride it all happened again
And again, and again, and again, and again

Did they beat the drums slowly
Did the play the fife lowly
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
Did the band play the last post and chorus
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Take It And Run

Maureen's out on the street again
Didn't get the job 'cause she missed her appointment
She don't know if the kids are fed
They've got holes in their shoes and the cold's coming quick now
The power's off the bill's ain't paid gotta jump the box for the neighbor's apartment
Space heaters and welfare checks are as good as it gets in this land of hard lessons

Don't talk to me if you ain't got the answers that I need
Yeah I've got problems
Can't you see I'm trying to solve them?

Broke it off with the man in her life finally got the courage to pack up and leave now
She keeps saying she'll be all right but in her mind does she really believe it
Long lines on Piedmont Street but if you hang around you might get a bed there
Turn around and don't look back you've got a piece of your life so take it and run now


The sun is shining on you
Maureen may all your dreams come true

Broke it off with the man in her life you know she ain't got nothing better
Yeah you know she don't but she keeps on believing

The sun is shining on you
Maureen may all your dreams come true
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Copyright: Lyrics © Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

Im Shipping Up To Boston

I'm a sailor peg
And I've lost my leg
Climbing up the top sails
I lost my leg!

I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping find my wooden leg

I'm a sailor peg
And I've lost my leg
Climbing up the top sails
I lost my leg!

I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping find my wooden leg
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Writer: Alexander Barr, James Lynch, Ken Casey, Marc Orrell, Matthew Kelly, Woody Guthrie
Copyright: Lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

The Auld Triangle

A hungry feeling, came o'er me stealing
And the mice were squealing in my prison cell

To begin the morning, the water boiling
Get up out of bed boy, and clean up your cell

And the auld triangle, went jingle jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal

On a fine spring evening, the lag lay dreaming
And the seagulls were squealing high above the wall

Oh the day was dying and the wind was sighing
As I lay there crying in my prison cell

And the auld triangle, went jingle jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal

Oh the screw was peeping and the lag was sleeping
As he lay there weeping for his poor gal

And the auld triangle, went jingle jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal

In the female prison there are seventy women
And I wish to God it was with them that I did dwell

And the auld triangle, went jingle jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal

And the auld triangle, went jingle jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Last Letter Home

Hello there my dearest love
Today I write to you about our sons
The boys start school today
They're the spitting image of you in every way

Hey son it's Dad
I hope this letter finds you well out of harm's way
We saw the news today it frightened your Mom
Now all she does is pray

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

Hey Melissa it's me don't be afraid
I'm in good hands I'm gonna be home soon
It's time to watch the children grow up
I wanna be more than a voice on the phone

Thanks Ma I got your package today
I love "The Fields Of Athenry"
I swear I want 'em to play that song on the pipes
At my funeral when I die


I stand alone in the distance
And the foreground slowly moves


"We regret to inform you that on January 28th Sgt. Andrew
Farrar died while serving his country in the Al-Anbar province
of Iraq words cannot convey our sorrow"


When there's nothing on the horizon
You've got nothing left to prove

If I lead will you follow?
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Tessie is the Royal Rooters rally cry
Tessie is the tune they always sung
Tessie echoed April through October nights
After serenading Stahl, Dineen and Young
Tessie is a maiden with the sparkling eyes
Tessie is a maiden with the love
She doesn't know the meaning of her sight
She's got a comment full of love
And sometimes when the game is on the line
Tessie always carried them away
Up the road from Third Base to Huntington
The boys will always sing and sway

Two! Three! Four!

Tessie, Nuff Ced McGreevy shouted
We're not here to mess around
Boston, you know we love you madly
Hear the crowd roar to your sound
Don't blame us if we ever doubt you
You know we couldn't live without you
Tessie, you are the only, only, only

The Rooters showed up at the Grounds one day
They found their seats had all been sold
Mcgreevy led the charge into the park
Stormed the gates and put the game on hold
The Rooters gave the other team a dreadful fright
Boston's tenth man could not be wrong
Up from Third Base to Huntington
They sang another victory song

Two! Three! Four!

Tessie, Nuff Ced McGreevy shouted
We're not here to mess around
Boston, you know we love you madly
Hear the crowd roar to your sound
Don't blame us if we ever doubt you
You know we couldn't live without you
Tessie, you are the only, only, only

The Rooters gave the other team a dreadful fright
Boston's tenth man could not be wrong
Up from Third Base to Huntington
They sang another victory song

Two! Three! Four!

Tessie, Nuff Ced McGreevy shouted
We're not here to mess around
Boston, you know we love you madly
Hear the crowd roar to your sound
Don't blame us if we ever doubt you
You know we couldn't live without you
Tessie, you are the only, only, only

Don't blame us if we ever doubt you
You know we couldn't live without you
Boston, you are the only, only, only
Don't blame us if we ever doubt you
You know we couldn't live without you
Red Sox, you are the only, only, only
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Writer: Alexander Barr, James P. Lynch, Kenneth W. Casey, Marc John Orrell, Mathew E. Kelly
Copyright: Lyrics © Memory Lane Music Group (Domestic)

The Warrior's Code is the fifth studio album by the Celtic punk band Dropkick Murphys. Released in June 2005, it is also their bestselling. It features a dedication to Lowell's own "Irish" Micky Ward who is featured on the album's cover and is the subject of the album's title track. It is also their final record with Hellcat Records before moving to their own vanity label, Born & Bred Records.

The album features one of the band's biggest and most well known singles, "I'm Shipping Up to Boston", which the band originally released on the "Fields of Athenry" single, although it was re-recorded for The Warrior's Code. The band released the song on their own as a single in 2006. However, it became a hit after being featured in the Oscar-winning movie The Departed and its soundtrack.

The band filmed music videos for "Sunshine Highway", "The Warrior's Code" and two videos for "I'm Shipping Up to Boston", the second was used for The Departed. A video for the track "Tessie" was also filmed in 2004 when the song was released as its own single.
Performed By: Dropkick Murphys
Genre(s): Celtic punk
Producer(s): Ken Casey, David Bianco
Length: 41:04
Released: June 21st, 2005
Year: 2005

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