I am a seed that needs to die
So I can grow and come alive
Buried in brokenness, raised in honor
Withered and weakened, raised in power
I won't fall apart (I won't fall)
I can stand strong
Deep inside my heart (deep inside)
I know that I belong
'Cause nothing I can do for the Father is useless
No matter what I do, the Father, He pursues us
Even if I run away (even if I run)
Turn my back and go astray (steady to the Son)
When I come back and work in His name
I'm never useless
We are a seed that needs to die
So we can grow and come alive (come alive)
Buried in brokenness, raised in honor
Withered and weakened, raised in power
We won't fall apart (we won't fall)
We can stand strong
Deep inside our hearts (deep inside)
We know that we belong
'Cause nothing we can do for the Father is useless
No matter what we do, the Father, He pursues us
Even if we run away (even if we run)
Turn our backs and go astray (steady to the Son)
When we come back and work in His name
We're never useless
In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians he wrote
So, my dear brothers and sister, be strong and immovable
Always work enthusiastically for the Lord
For you know, that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless
'Cause nothing we can do for the Father is useless
No matter what we do, the Father, He pursues us
Even if we run away (even if we run)
Turn our backs and go astray (steady to the Son)
When we come back and work in His name
We're never useless