[ Featuring Edo. G, Hometown Heroes ]
That's right. I can give it to ya but what you gone do with it.
That's right. I can give it to ya but what you gone do with it.
You Got kids a wife and a mortgage broke fortress divorces no getting old together sitting on porches sanoma county grape orchards stop playing da game so u forfeit soul tortured it's a self portrait u don't deal u out source it can't sort it force it dealing with the horseshit more denying loose ends tying trying to keep up w da Jones and da high end what they selling u buying without clarifying what they falsifying u in hiding crying blocked like linemen not hearing what I'm rhyming got a rock had a diamond u don't get better at telling da truth only lying
That's right. I can give it to ya but what you gone do with it.
That's right. I can give it to ya but what you gone do with it.
Now um'a give u da facts hit u w tax when da silverback got more silver then back you know da truth but u immersed in a lie sober vs da high purchased the high on da surface deny u wanna stop but it seems worthless to try looking in da air u search in da sky u can't da Poisson yourself and expect da other person to die worrying about what we have it's all real u prefab in and outta rehab one punch or three jabs from da needle now ur arm starting to see scabs da first time u took dat perk u hooked shit lurks one time ya first got lots of money so it don't help it hurts u only recognize wealth u don't reconize work
That's right. I can give it to ya but what you gone do with it.
That's right. I can give it to ya but what you gone do with it."