Been tryna run from my problems
To keep another one from adding on
I feel so numb I'm so far gone
Cause the collateral damage is done
Just need to exhale
I just need to exhale
I just need to exhale
I just need to exhale
1 step that's all I take
1 breath there's more to make
Want My heart out prove to face
Why don't u come close to me
Lineのトーク それだけwhat we have
Pounding heart beat 夜の狭間 none stop
Crying ur heart out 考えだすと
逃げ出したくなる 気がするの
1 problem gone I need more
They never know what u and me both know
Do u know what I mean then u can go
Sometime I might be a bitch my whole life is glitch
軽く思ってなんてない 変わるかも
Noion real変わんないどーしよ
君も俺も最低 but 欲しいの
理由 to who I used to be
描く emotion