He gets us
All of us
He gets us
He gets us
All of us
He gets us
Even the guy who stole your shoes
Even the girl who broke your heart
He gets us
Your rapist, molester, abuser, assaulter
He gets us
All of us
The kind woman who does your hair
The mean man at the bank
That guy with the hoodie at the gas station
I think he stole your shoes
He gets us
All of us
All of us
Huddled beneath his darkening cloud
The guy in the tie
The girl across the world
This infant
That puppy
This kitten
That sloth
He gets us
All of us
He gets us
The poet
The mystic
The pious
The sinners
The wicked and the just
He gets us
All of us
He gets us
All of us
Wheat and chaff huddled beneath his darkening cloud
Wheat and chaff huddled beneath his darkening cloud
He gets us
All of us
He gets us
Gets us
He gets us
All of us
He gets us
He gets us
All of us
He gets us
He gets us
All of us
He gets us