"Listen to me!"
Said the demon, his hand upon my head
"There's a dreary region which slides from off
The columns of melancholy"
There's no quiet, nor silence
Strange poisonous flowers
Grey clouds rush through the horizon
A rusting and loud noise
There's no quiet, nor silence
It was night and the rain fell
On the ground it was blood
I stood in the morass
The rain fell upon my head
A crimson moon arose
My eyes fell upon a huge grey rock
It shows me some characters
Desolation, was the word
Upon the summit of the rock there stood a man
A king or a deity?
I saw sorrow, weariness
Disgust with makind and
A longing after solitude
The man now trembled in the solitude
I watched that man trembling
Trembling in the night
I watched that man trembling
In the solitude
In cursing I grew angry
The curse of silence
Thunders died away
Now the word is silence
Pale, that man tried to hear something
Nothing in an illimitable desert
Terrorized, that man ran away
I beheld him no more. Silence
The demon told me this fable
By my side in the shadow of the tomb
He laughs, I can't. He curses me
As the linx stares at him
"Past the morass, beyond the desert
That man still trembles in the dark
Fear is all that he deserves
Silence is the monsters released from the ark"