It's come to my attention
That it's been far too long
Since our last sojourn
Into the weeping vines
Amid the crooked husks
And the hollowed trunks
I want to lay my bones down
Upon the the wooded glen
I'm met with new encroachments
With every pilgrimage
The waystones keep eroding
The path is lost to time
The whispering branches echo
A retributive call
To reconquer
And reinvigorate the wild
I am
The magus in the wood
I bear
The aegis on my breast
Ever does transgress
My threshold
Shall be swallowed up
And what gives you the right
To loose your ploughs
Upon the roots
Into the soil and through
Your presumption
Is most telling, to us
Your poisoned furrows
We tread upon
I am
The magus in the wood
I bear
The aegis on my breast
Ever does transgress
My threshold
Shall be swallowed up
This wood Is my ward
Now and for as long As long as I shall live
An epoch shall pass
Under my watch
Under this canopy