I used to dream about
Floating in the sky looking down
But lately there's too many clouds
I'm struggling to see this far down
The blue
I'm looking for the blue
I'm having a down d down d down d down day
Just another down d down d down d down day
Suddenly my heart is heavy
'Don't know' feels scary
Cnd my hands are sweaty
Just another down, down day
I wake up shaky most days now
I wonder if I drink another coffee
Will I drown
Don't recognize this new
But sometimes a reflection in my eyes
Lets me see you
Yes I remember you
I'm having a down d down d down d down day
Having down d down d down d down day
Suddenly my heart is heavy
'Don't know' it scares me
Cnd my hands are sweaty
I'm having a down, down day
Just another down, down, down day
Just another down, down day
Down d down d down d down day
Suddenly my heart feels heavy
'Don't know' it scares me