You jump when they call you|and no one ever gives you your due.|You work so hard to do what's expected of you|You must wonder sometimes; you must wonder sometimes|If the life you're living is really what you wanted to do|Was there a wild man once, fighting to get outside of you?|And don't you wonder sometimes?; don't you wonder sometimes?||If your fantasy could have been reality|If your fantasy could have been reality|Don't you wonder? Isn't it true..||That all your life you were working for another man,|never for you|And every year goes by, puts another wall up|But what can you do?|I wonder sometimes; don't you wonder sometimes?||If your fantasy could have been reality|If your fantasy could have been reality||Did you give it up too easily? A dream you'd never try|Don't just let it pass you by.||'Cause your fantasy could have been reality|Your fantasy could have come true.|