Staring eyes to hide the lies
To unearth your anger comes the cries
Shallowing in the bowels of feelings
Labyrinth several voices speaking
In my brain
Cells falling in the black river of thoughts
Made of stouts, kerosene and blood
Bags of meat
Craving for heat
See how far it is going
The drug of flesh
Making you blind
And you say
It blows out of your mind
You love you hate
Whatever you f*ck
The thrill is gone
When you grow bored of this soul
Licking and being stuck to your chest
You feel so empty
When she leaves, then you flee
You trust, but she doesn't
Even in herself
Making the world mad
Because she can't look in a mirror
Looking at her own eyes
Bags of meat
Craving for heat
See how far it is going
The drug of flesh
Making you blind
And you say
It blows out of your mind
Don't want to put some slices of legs in the garbage
Going downstairs with your heavy bags
Guilt adding some weight
Red eyes red hands
Yourself you start to hate
In the air you can smell the close end
Because you're alone and you've come to the edge
You're alone and you've come to the edge
Because you've come to the edge
As I come to the end