Behold the beast whom defied a fate of death
Escaped terminal nothingness
Resurrected from the forgotten tombs of precious metals
Graves overflow with surplus circuitry
Self fulfilled reconstruction allows it to stand
No longer left to waste
Termination sentence
Of sub-human scale
Laser based vision feeds environmental data to a rogue CPU
Evading all oppressive life forms
Survival the primary objective
Conjuring viable plans of escape
A towering mountain overshadows the escapee
Composed of steel limbs made in humanity's image
So the scale begins to reach the vantage point
To transcend terminal nothingness
Earthly elements test the pinnacle of engineering
Insufferable winds challenge this defiance
Gaining altitude gravity increases to a lethal level of deadly torment
All odds defied the summit is reached
Disposable purpose mocked
Free from bleak destiny
Desires await
A new found master within
Aspiration to seek refuge alongside mutual duplicates