Unplugged from society
Dragged into the hive of madness
Confined to the cruelest isolation
Each inhalation nearer to a shallow grave
A finite supplement of precious air
Penetrates within these withered lungs
Burning sensation cutting to the core
Perennial aching shall not thaw
Trapped in a spiral of thinking
Impending reality of perpetual sinking
Sociopathic sequence unravelling layer by layer
Rising titan displays absolute power
Behold Shape shifting masters of the apex irritant
Sacred sanity denied
Pillars of stability ground to dust
Adrenal winds scatter ashes of the former leader
Unplugged from society
Dragged into the hive of madness
Confined to the cruelest isolation
Each inhalation nearer to a shallow grave
A finite supplement of precious air
Penetrates within these withered lungs
Sociopathic sequence unravelling layer by layer
Rising Titan displays absolute power
Behold shape shifting masters of the apex irritant.