A Lesson Through Sickness
I yearn emptiness
The euphoric nectar of the void
A separation of the mind from its loathsome chains
Breaking the wheel of my ceaseless thoughts
I seek this change
In this moment free from the seeds of my thoughts
I seek this change
A plaintive howl forges a call to action
The evangelist resting in the sewer of bile
Stomach of immovable tension
Fluids creep up my oesophagus a banquet of bile
Enamel coated teeth are impotent to this architect of anxiety
Something has to change for self preservation
Allowing one to prosper
A lesson embedded in sickness
Only to be learned from experience
Born from restlessness
Feeding from a toxic status quo
I witness my purist form
The birth of liberation found in meditation
Illusive inner peace shows the light
Within the fibre of reality
A formless entity exhumed from my abyss
Free from the whirlwind of emotions
I am gifted with a sense of clarity
Bathe in ethereal sustenance richest taste of prosperity
Intervention to silence day to day estuaries of vexation
I yearn emptiness
The euphoric nectar of the void
A separation of the mind from its loathsome chains
Breaking the wheel of my ceaseless thoughts
I seek this change
In this moment free from the seeds of my thoughts
I seek this change
Laser like focus cutting through devilish distractions
The weight of anguish
Relinquished from broken shoulders
In this moment I observe a motionless shell
Expressionless and empty
Each breath slows the surrounding world
Cauldron of the unspeakable
Breeding a chasm of thoughts