All or nothing?
Passion or coldness?
Hot or cold?
Wholehearted or
Take or Leave?
Yes or No?
Jesus says to decide
But Why must I decide?
He does just as He pleases
Can't I just be cautious and wait?
He does just as He pleases
It's a Lie!
It's a Lie!
We must choose
Is it Him? and do I die?
We cannot go through life
Without making the choice
He or Me?
He says, If you can take or leave me
Leave me!
All or nothing?
Passion or coldness?
Hot or cold?
Wholehearted or
Take or Leave?
Yes or No?
Jesus says to decide
But Why must I decide?
He does just as He pleases
Can't I just be cautious and wait?
He does just as He pleases
It's a Lie!
It's a Lie!
We must choose
Is it Him? and do I die?
We cannot go through life
Without making the choice
He or Me?
He says, If you can take or leave me
Leave me!