Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Now come, Savior of the gentiles)
Der Jungfrauen Kind erkannt (Recognized as the child of the Virgin)
Dass sich wundre alle Welt (So that all the world is amazed)
Gott solch' Geburt ihm bestellt (God ordained such a birth for him)
Behold, I come unto my own
To fulfil all which I made known
And to do the will
Both of the Father and the Son
Lob sei Gott dem Vater g'tan (Praise be given to God the Father)
Lob sei Gott sein'm ein gen Sohn (Praise be to God His only Son)
Lob sei Gott dem Heil'gen Geist (Praise be to God the Holy Ghost)
Immer und in Ewigkeit (Forever and always)