I guess you're right, Plankton. I am just a kid
Of course, I'm right
Okay, Neptune, time to kill
And you know, I've been through a lot in the past six days
Five Minutes, twenty-seven-and-a-half seconds
And if I've learned anything During that time
It's that you are who you are
That's right. Okay, Neptune
And no amount of mermaid magic
Or managerial promotion
Or some other third thing
Can make me anything more than what I Really am inside: A kid
That's great
Now, get back against the wall
But that's okay
What? What's going on?
Because I did what everyone said a kid couldn't do
I made it to Shell City, and I beat the Cyclops,
And I rode the Hasselhoff, and I Brought the crown back
All right, we get the point
So, yeah, I'm a kid
And I'm also a goofball, and a wing nut
And a Knucklehead McSpazatron!
What's going on here?
But most of all, I'm...
Okay, settle down. Take it easy
I'm... I'm...
What the scallop?!
I'm a goofy goober!