Black Viking back at it
With The Can Man
The stress you feel ain't real cuz times abstract
Choose to live your life right no take backs
Be happy you alive not digging trash for scraps
Your phone is like a mat, like a cat you scratch
A lotta people got a lot worse than you
But still you ain't doing what you supposed to do
Kids digging in the gold mines
Never see the sunshine
You got no problems
Yet you fighting with your own mind
Spoiled to the brink of insanity
Going on a shopping spree
Don't you know you can't buy sanity
The word "greed" got more power than "humanity"
It's like "good" and "bad" got reversed in the dictionary
How you gon' see clearly when your heart's blind
Every person is a one-of-a-kind
Don't snuff the light out just let it shine
You can't get lost when you freed your mind
Too many people live with pain
You don't have to live this way
But it's up to you
Your choice
Mind, body, spirit and voice
With a knife of light
I take a slice of life
I keep what I like
Discard what ain't right
Hear I write
To my peers in spite of
The fear-filled fight
They keep giving life
You know what stress is
A bridge to depression
On a road to a lesson
That you must let-in
Let-out and let be
Or it becomes
A wall you can't beat
With pain in sums
That leave your soul weak
Your sanity churns
Till vanity burns
When the coin flip turns
Either fight or run
The battle's begun
It's You vs You
And guess who's won?
If you feel this verse
Know I feel your hurt
And the realest work
Comes when you realize worth
And I feel this work
Will build real worth
Breathe in love and
Release what hertzs
Too many people live with pain
You don't have to live this way
But it's up to you
Your choice
Mind, body, spirit and voice
I know it hurts
And I know with work
The pain will fade a way
The void is deep
When dark voices speak
Let your light force guide the way
Yes I Can