I fantasy that I falling to the hole and you speak to me
And I cry in to morning to die and be born again It's true It's aaaa
I fantasy and I speak to me that I'm so sorry please take on me
I fantasy and I speak to me that stop this shit and wake up it's time
I lost my mind
This is close this is close
I lost my mind
(Stop this shit and wake up it's time onlyonetodie onlyonetodie)
This is close this is close
Már csak álmodom de ez álom nekem csupán
A múltban járok de a jövőbe kéne! Mit tegyek ezek után?
Egy elveszett esten egy elveszett testben az élet kifiguráz
TOP-t fülben azt dúdolom este hogy Sahlo Folina
I fantasy and I speak to me that I'm so sorry please take on me
I fantasy and I speak to me that stop this shit and wake up it's time
Payment for destroyment a will not that pleases you and me
Payment for one hundred please
And I'm not fantasy
I lost my mind
This is close this is close
I lost my mind
(Stop this shit and wake up it's time onlyonetodie onlyonetodie)
This is close this is close
Payment payment for onlyonetodie
And payment payment for onlyonetodie
Just payment payment for onlyonetodie
What a f*ck is this onlyonetodie
I lost my mind
This is close this is close
I lost my mind
(Stop this shit and wake up it's time onlyonetodie onlyonetodie)
This is close this is close