I admit to all besetting sins
And lathargy to my taped on grins
Perhaps it is the speck upon my eye
Perhaps it is the plank that serves your guide
You've gouged your eyes out and plaintively complained the pains of being blind
Have left you out of hindsight
And you've lost your faith with no iris
Oh my its so pious
The humble widow offers what she has
As they scoff her, as they cross her path
As they praise the whore of Babylon
From the golden calf you've sat upon
They pray with shaken faith that godly grace will save them from their distortion
Is the offer more important
Or the alter that sanctifies it?
Deny me, deny me
Three denials and a rooster crow
Into waters, losing self control
Drowsy prayers, sleeping in the yard
Trading love for selfish disregard
You tied the rope around your throat and spoke in hopes that you wouldn't choke
But you had kissed the Messiah and then you wept when silver had defiled you
Divinely untimely,
Oh come, crucify me
You went and lost your loving minds
And came back with your many reasons
Has fruit fallen from the vine
Or has it changed in seasons?