Faith gone, there is no god
No god, no need for faith
Have seen no light, have seen no right
This angry voices keep banging and exploding
In our lives, the truth is never found
In terms of sight. Don't deny
It's getting worse here everyday
And now, by the ways of the Lord
We must act and behave.
"Be my slave you mindless fool"
The facts are wrong, I don't believe in you
Messengers of holiness
Flesh and blood. Your words cannot get through
...and I saw this earth...
There's pain, there's war, there's... too many things
But don't think, it's blasphemy
Where's love, where's grace in us
No hate. It's blasphemy
We are upon the gates of hell
We's blasphemy
Should we kill ourselves for you
Don't think, it's blasphemy.
...No my son...Believe in yourself
Stop your own hate, you will find it's not too late.
Flow against this rage and pain. Build up your soul.
Don't loose the good sights, it's not too late.
And I know of dreams above, don't blame our names
The Principle: in union we stand, but in unity survive
I cant see the light
Help me find the path along
Selfishness? Emptiness?
Avoid all needs from anyone?
Only me? Is that the way? Ignore others will?
No, my son...believe in yourself
If you want love, first love yourself
I am not telling you lies.
It's the Principle of Life
Believe in yourself
if you want love, first love yourself
I am not telling you lies