This thing sits in it's room all day
This thing can't seem to stay awake
This thing struggles to masturbate
This thing should have learned how to break
This thing looks like a vampire
It's friends dance like they're on fire
This thing crawled back inside of her
This thing is an honest liar
This thing might have a disease
This thing thinks it's a mystery
It's friends, they all have history
But it's friends don't seem as broke as me
Should this thing learn how to love
Or should this thing stay safe above
Coz some day that won't be high enough
Some day nothing will lift it up
This thing's the fruit left on the stalk
This thing would leave if it could walk
This thing would speak if it could talk
But this thing is poisoned by thought
This thing, it hides in the shower
This thing lies in there for hours
This thing is a dirty flower
This thing is growing sour
This thing has always been
This thing will always be
This thing has always been
This f*cking thing in me
This thing has always been
This thing will always be
This thing has always been
This thing is f*cking me
This thing
This thing
This thing
This thing