My love holds you strong, through the storms and calm seas, always here where you belong
Whisper winds speak your name, footsteps light but they're brave, journeys full of dreams are new, in your eyes the future glows
No matter the path you choose, my love holds you strong, through the storms and calm seas always here where you belong
No matter the path you choose, my love holds you strong, through the storms and calm seas always here where you belong
Whisper winds speak your name, footsteps light but they're brave, journeys full of dreams are new, in your eyes the future glows
Stay in sight, so I'll look in back, every dawn's a chance to soar, in your soul's deep whisper, hear my heart say evermore
Whisper winds speak your name, footsteps light but they're brave, journeys full of dreams are new, in your eyes the future glows