[ Featuring Aliens ]
Nothing is worth anything
It's all just cause and effect
One thing happens
Then on from then
I wonder
Endless cycle
Feeds the martyr
Over again
Or would
You let the cruel men fight
Over and over again
What happens when he's not onstage
The actor takes his meds then sleeps
In the closet I run in circles
Waiting for this always to go
(Mr. Lenny's Sermon)
What would you do?
If you were given the chance
Would you try?
Or would you let your third eye to be your guide?
Or would you let the gladiators fight a clean fight?
Or would you free up the diabolus and let him dance?
C thought
That entertains your sadism
The aroma
Sniffing your chance away
The endless cycle that feeds the martyr
Would you let it go if you had the chance?
Or will you hold on with your regrets?
The door is open
You can
You cannot
Dance with the diabolus