It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
In Your light, I know the light
In Your Heart, I know my heart
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
In Your hands, I place my hands
In Your Soul, I place my Soul
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
In Your joy, I live in joy
In Your love, I give my love
There is Your glory from on high
That lifts our Souls to love divine
Through your blissful gift of grace
We are returned to our eternal place
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
In Your compassion, I know compassion
In Your peace, I find peace
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace
It's in Your glory, I receive Your grace