Snowflakes are dancing, our horses are prancing, |The sunbeams are glancing, the air is alight|So we're off and away with a horse and a sleigh| And we're going to stay 'til it's night |Some like toboggan or seed cataloguing| And some are hot-doggin' a slippery run|But I'd rather be there in the blue frosty air |Tossing worry and care to the sun|You reach the top then clippety-clopping |You're dipping and dropping and jiggled about|The sleigh bells ring, our horses a-jingle|The world all a-tingle, a laugh and a shout|Horses get oats and it's button up coats |As the yellow sun floats down the hill in the snow |For all things have to end and it's time now to wend|Home again to the friends that we know|Snuggled all snug just like bugs in a rug|We can cuddle and hug as we nod on our way|With a clip and a clop we'll go on 'til we stop|After that we'll all drop in the hay, ho-hey!|