Sucking on yo panties
While they still on
Yo pussy smell like pussy
Makes me feel strong
Vitamins and minerals
Yo flavor is crazy
Finger licking good
I promise baby you tasty
Love letters on the pad
So you couldn't replace me
Put my name up on the Lease
So we could have us a baby
And live in a reality
That's driving em crazy
That pussy is my dream
Trying desperate to wake Me
Watch a nigga hit the Snooze
When im with you
How can i lose
We got the world singing The blues
But me and you got shit to Do
Like getting faded on the roof
I was a dog was saying roof
Till i met you, you living Proof
Damn girl you nasty
These niggas is ashy
They couldn't handle the Smoke
See me with f*cking with a Dime piece
That came from my mind Please
Said that I am the one for You
You already know
Said you'll always stand Behind me
Telling you what I see
I can see a man
And they could never come Close
Girl I'll never do you Grimmy
Told em it's unlikely
Only one I see
I put the rest in the scope
We be cruising with the high beams
In the middle of the night
Need a light
Cause you know that I'm Dope
A piece of art
And you in love with the stroke
I could tell because
Yo panties is soaked
Im not a joke huh