Have you heard about the man named Jesus?
Did He really come to save us?
One day He asked his disciples
Who do people say I am?
Some folks say I'm just a great man
Peter replied "You are the Christ
The Son of the living God"
Even the demons give Him a nod
Some called him the friend of sinners
Who did Jesus claim to be?
Other than the greatest man in history
He's the way the truth and the life
You ain't got nothin on Jesus
Ain't nobody but Him can redeem us
More than a man he's your Creator
He wants you to accept him as your Savior
You can't get to Heaven without Him
Can't stake your claim on your reputation
He's the only one who can erase your sin
He paid your way so you could get in
You ain't got nothin on Jesus
Ain't nobody but Him can redeem us
More than a man he's your Creator
He wants you to accept him as your Savior
You can't get to Heaven without Him
Can't stake your claim on your reputation
He's the only one who can erase your sin
He paid your way so you could get in
We are to follow his walk way words and will
He gives us the Holy Spirit as a seal
Those trials you're walkin through
They're giving God a chance to work in you
God's gonna change you on the inside
Empowerin you to deal with the outside
Jesus' ways are different than mine
He calls me to become like thine
His way gives instead of receives
He vows to turn the other cheek
In His kingdom the last will be first
And the first will be last
If I exalt myself I'll be humbled
But if I humble myself I'll be exalted
If I save my life I'll lose it
But if I lose my life I'll find it
He did not come to be served
But he came to serve and be a ransom for many
You ain't got nothin on Jesus
Ain't nobody but Him can redeem us
More than a man he's your Creator
He wants you to accept him as your Savior
You can't get to Heaven without Him
Can't stake your claim on your reputation
He's the only one who can erase your sin
He paid your way so you could get in
You ain't got nothin on Jesus
Ain't nobody but Him can redeem us
More than a man he's your Creator
He wants you to accept him as your Savior
You can't get to Heaven without Him
Can't stake your claim on your reputation
He's the only one who can erase your sin
He paid your way so you could get in