A floating mangled body
Suspended in the hallway
An apparition of entangled limbs
Dangling in place
Staring into my eyes
Through the blackened night
I could only look
And couldn't turn away
Laying, terrified, of what stood before me
A mockery of you
A collage of flesh and bone
I held my breath and begged for it to stop
Crying and hoping that it would stop
Eyes locked with the face above me
Inches from my own, I could feel your breath on me
Layers of flesh: ripped out
The womb of heaven
Alive tonight
An empty fortress
A worthless solace
The mouth of hell
Alive tonight
Hanged in the doorway
I couldn't move
Or breathe
Or look away
Frozen in fear
I could do nothing
Swaying side to side
I could only watch
Suspended in this moment
Your leather skin inside out
A mangled body
A floating monster
Ensnared in time
The ultimate mockery of life