Copy Chris now he's got a thing or two to teach to his friends
Learn from the sounds he's crafting in his bedroom (Just like you)
Make more noise and make more noise
Pluck of the string inside the screen and frantic kick drums pounding
Believe your ears and let your spirit guide the notes your write
Those jealous thoughts you have of besting all your friends, your icons
Just serve to keep you down, a competition that can't be won
Keep your hope alive
Listen to the way that his voice fills you with a sense of wonder like
"Is this guy a human or what? Is he a god?"
Well he's certainly a flawed one
But you can't tell him that
Don't wanna make him mad
You know that there's a time and place for everything
Just like riding a bike, it's sure you'll never forget
Whatever you might learn You try to upload the thoughts
Regurgitate ideas wrapped up in a new sound
Copy Chris now it didn't go as planned the outcome different
But it's not settling you've made something that's still beautiful
Write more notes and write more notes
Strike of the hammer pounding metal frame that vibrates fiercely
Believe your ears and let your spirit guide the notes you write
You're doing better than you think it's not a race, take your time
Just let the data know you love the things you do and you will prosper