Is this the end, Well look's like it
This is the end of it all
It's end of the world
Life, Life may not be what u expect
And not everthing you say
Can be controlled
Don't you agree
That our life is such an amazing place
I gotta tell
If this is the end
Is it the end of it all
Who knows
Maybe i won't see you again
But life
Is life forever
Maybe, Maybe it's not
Maybe this is the actual end of it all
I wish i could stay longer
I wish i could
I love you all
"All right, I think I arrived
I think I arrived here
All right
It seems to be really empty here
Whoa, wait, what's that
That looks very unusual
The light
Is that heaven
What's that
We found some, uh, weird light
I don't know what it is, it just looks so strange
I don't know what we really do here
It's, it's, well, um
There is some sort of light, like
Why didn't you, okay
So, let me explain
There is some sort of light that, um
It's just really bright and I don't really know what to think of it
It's just really strange, like
Let me, let me try and touch
Ah, shit
Okay, uh, that kinda hurts
Um, well
Holy f*cking shit, that actually hurt
Um, well
Let's just, uh, make sure
Uh, oh my god, my hand is bleeding, f*ck
All right, um, let me get something
All right
All right
Got my bandages, all right
All right, so
You there
Am I alone now
Oh my god
It grows bigger
The light
I gotta get out of here, quick
Oh no
It's just really
I can't, I can't, bro, f*ck
Oh my god
Why was this, this just opened
It's locked now
I think I'm about to die
Oh my god
I cannot believe what the f*ck is actually happening
We're all like, shit
Oh my f*cking god
Oh my god
That's it
My life was
Quite an amazing experience
I didn't know it would end so quick
Hey, um
If someone ever hears this
Get the f*ck away from Earth
I figured out
I just saw
Of my
Messaging me
And they said that
This is um
It's really dangerous
Get the f*ck away here
All right