Their blood on thy head, whom the Afric waste
Saw struggling, puppets with unwilful hand
Brother and brother: their bought souls shall brand
Thine own with horror. Be thy name erased
From the full mouth of men; nor be there traced
To thee one glory to thy parent land
But'fore us, as'fore God e'er do thou stand
In that thy deed forevermore disgraced
Where lie the sons and husbands, where those dear
That thy curst craft hath lost? Their drops of blood
One by one fallen, and many a cadenced tear
Thine own with horror. Be thy name erased
Thine own with horror. Be thy name erased
Thine own with horror. Be thy name erased
From the full mouth of men; nor be there traced
To thee one glory to thy parent land
But'fore us, as'fore God e'er do thou stand
In that thy deed forevermore disgraced
Where lie the sons and husbands, where those dear
That thy curst craft hath lost? Their drops of blood
One by one fallen, and many a cadenced tear
With triple justice weighted trebly dread
Shall each, rolled onward in a burning flood
Crush thy dark soul. Their blood be on thy head!
Thy head!