I wanna drag race, but I don't have a car
I wanna get into fights, but I don't want the scars
Mum, I wanna be a greaser, perfect hair and a leather jacket
I want a motorbike but the noise levels don't fly past ten
I want a Harley Davidson but my friends say they're for old men
Mum, I wanna be a greaser, perfect hair and a leather jacket
I don't care if they're all boys, my brothers grew up with the coolest toys
I want switch knives and a motorbike
Mum, I wanna go out to Dead Man's Curve!
Mum, I wanna go out to the Makeout Point!
I want to slick my hair back, but I can't afford enough of the gel
I would get it cut off, but that makes me look like a poser
Mum, I wanna be a greaser, perfect hair and a leather jacket
I want to slick my hair back, but I can't afford enough of the gel
I would get it cut off, but that makes me look like a poser
Mum, I wanna be a greaser, perfect hair and a leather jacket