Pen it's been a minute
Figured I'd drop off a line and tell you the current state my mind is in
Battling between being happy and being complacent
A fight between what I know and the unknown
Pen I won't hold you but this new state I'm in is different
My smile, my walk, my outlook, even my greeting to The Most High, and how I seek Rah is different
Pen I like this but can't lie and say it's not scary
What if something goes wrong or what if something goes right and due to
Trauma I miss out on what's for me?
Pen I don't know what this next chapter may bring, but I need help
Never asked for guidance in the manner in which I seek it now
Never thought a crossroads like this would hit and to my pen, I would be asking, how?
Pen and paper is how I usually get things across, get my answers, and seek peace
But in this manner pen, I'm confused because now real happiness is upon me
Pen give me a line to help save me from me
Pen in your absence I've been on this journey to find me
Pen no matter which way life goes promise me you'll always remain with me
Because pen through you I gain clarity
Pen through you I express freely
Pen you are the mirrored image of me.............