Day break, break me and take me home|This place was in me from the start it's the hardest part when day turns dark|It's nothing left for me to hold|I'm going alone if I don't close this space that's all around me it's hard|And I'm losing myself without some, without someone else|And I'm losing myself, myself||The light stands and slows off|Through a strange strange love|A long way way down from the start it's hard spot when day turns dark|It's nothing left for me to hold|I'm going alone if I don't close this space that's all around me it's hard||And I'm losing myself without some, without someone else|And I'm losing myself, myself, without some, without someone else to keep me, to keep me|To keep me||Cause I'm losing myself, without some, without someone else|I'm losing myself, without some, without someone else to keep me, to keep me|And I'm losing myself, without some, without someone else to keep me, to keep me. |