Massacre cursed terrain
Still at last, whistling
Winds carry deafening silence
Fields of death
Decomposition plagues the land
Relics wade shallow currents
Once pure
Earth feasts upon flesh
Water bloats mortal remains
Egos rot
Sinks between grains of soil
Persistent gaseous anguishish, arise
Viscous stench cements the air
Binds to lungs
Lingered fragments of sentience
Distort energy
Heat of the sun preserves
Those who rot on dirt
Buzzards pluck eyes
Worms invade until life cannot prevail
Deceased mummify into final form
Those who rest upon the tide
Fester from the inside
Drowned in a chamber of death
Organs swell, mass decay
Intestines expand to burst
Gasses intoxicate
River bed seeps septic gut rot
Bloating bodies fill with maggots
Indulge upon necrotic waste
Baked in sewage secretion
Muscles twitching, instincts quiver
Shreds of adrenaline awaken what's left
Of the physical form
Jolting impulses flex
Muscles and tendons exposed
A horrified reflection
Of the human form, rise
Oozing fissures designed by death
Leach putrid pus
Fingers of bone dragging limbs forward
Innards scrape against stone and clay, why
Walk in the pain of death
Eyes devoid of the soul
Starved of the psyche
Mocked by the essense of our nature, the human condition
Subconsciously drawn to what forces lack of cognizance
No reason to live
This trench denies death and peace
Heightened senses taste
Fear of the living
Drained by the loss
Of the powers of thought
Where the spirit dwelled
Scours for lucidity
Water logged eyes
Strain for a source of light
Tethered matter squelches
Beneath the weight of unwanted life
Screams of the living
Ripples through the sagging
Carnage of the undead
Gouge at the writhing torso
Teeth devoid of lips
Eat the face of a slowly dying soul
Crushing through the skull
As if driven by nature
Warm brains fills the gaping mouth of horror
Grey matter finally obtained
Falls through the cavity
The mind splatters to the ground of fresh blood, rotting gore
Torn by the will of the living
Sensation of a cure to sentience fades
A victim of death's corporeality wades
In its putrefied liquid decay