Summertime sunrise
Cascade drive, headed to Plain
About 180 beers to claim our brains
I think we're ready (I think it's time)
Six hours floatin', with my buddies by my side
It's only the first beer and we're feelin' alright
Time for another, let the good times ride
Too much sun, too much beer
Soggy chips, but we're still here
Barely surviving, sunburned skin
Two sheets to the wind, let the fun begin
River Daddy's laughin', but he almost died
Papa Schmeckles had to pull him inside
Not the first, the second, or the last time
Floatin' down the river, with American pride
Too much sun, too much beer
Soggy chips, but we're still here
Barely surviving, sunburned skin
Almost three sheets to the wind, 10-beers in
Cheers to the river, cheers to the ride
Cheers to the river girls and the sunshine
Another day floatin', and we're still alive
Cheers to the U.S. and American Pride
Too much sun, too much beer
Soggy chips, and not enough gear
Boat's losing air, but we're still here
12-beers in, Smilin' three sheets to the wind
So here's to the river, and the memories we make
With every float, and every beer we take
Cheers to survival, and the stories we tell
Ridin' down the Wenatchee, we're doin' well!
Cheers to the river!
(Let's drink another beer!)
And cheers to the day!
(It's 5'O'Clock somewhere!)
And another year over
(I think that's 14 beers each?)
And another memory made
(Hell let's make it an even 16!)
So cheers to the river!
Cheers to the day!
Another year over!
And one more memory
American made