Bluey is an Australian animated preschool television series which premiered on ABC Kids on 1 October 2018. The program was created by Joe Brumm and is produced by Queensland-based company Ludo Studio. It was commissioned by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the British Broadcasting Corporation, with BBC Studios holding global distribution and merchandising rights.
The series made its international premiere on Disney Junior in the United States and is released widely on Disney+.
Overarching themes include the focus on family, growing up, and Australian culture. The program was created and is produced in Queensland; its capital city Brisbane inspires the show's setting.
Bluey has received consistently high viewership in Australia on both broadcast television and video-on-demand services. It has influenced the development of merchandise and a stage show featuring its characters.
The program has won three Logie Awards for Most Outstanding Children's Program, an International Emmy Kids Award in 2019, and a Peabody Award in 2024. It has been praised by television critics for depicting a modern everyday family life, constructive parenting messages, and the role of Bandit as a positive father figure.