I walk alone in crowds
Just another face, nobody around
I'm unremarkable in every way
My rigid schedule of nothing keeps me busy
My life is as boring as it normal
I walk unknown in crowds
But then at night I drive alone
With my headlights off
Looking for oncoming traffic
I don't know what I'm doing, but I do it every night
I don't know what I'm looking for or what I want to do
I just know that I feel something
But then during the day I am ordinary
I talk to people and they don't remember me
I feel like I haven't lived in years
Every day it gets worse
But bit by bit, bit by bit
My imagination takes over me
And then at night I drive alone
And I don't know where I am going
I drive into oncoming traffic with my headlights off
Screaming, I'm screaming
Blood is rushing to my head
I want to f*cking die
I wake up in the hospital
They tell me I was in a car crash
I broke both of my legs and I have internal bleeding
They say I was lucky
Because the other car in the crash had four passengers
And none of them survived