V.1a|Make, make up your mind|It seems like you've known for a long, long time|If you're gone, then go on your way|I won't ask you to stay||V.1b|Cause I'm torn, torn right in two|Over what to say and how to get through to you|The scars on your heart will just be the start|Down this hole that never ends|Down this hole that never ends||CHORUS:|Cause you're falling faster|And I can hear your laughter|But I'm running after|To save you from this disaster||V.2a|So turn, turn back around|Before it's too late and your sun goes down|I can see on your face that it's not quite the place|That you thought it would be||BRIDGE|You'll spend your whole life|Wondering what went wrong|But don't you worry now|You're never too far gone||SLOW CHORUS|But you're falling faster|And I can hear your laughter|But I'm running after|to save you from' to save you from '||CHORUS|