Dead center bullseye
My jowl's a mess of flesh and folly
Stop can't stop can't stop can't stop can't
Insatiable grip got me by the face
This is what it means
Heritage bridge
I've washed my hands a thousand times
They are still mine
The things i thought I knew
The flesh I thought I valued
The feeling I know I own
I am at least an animal
I do not recognize
Unable to close my eyes wide
Covered in the ashes of our forefathers
Blood in-blood out
Slather it slick across my mouth
Dead center bullseye
My jowl's a mess of flesh and folly
I can't stop can't stop can't stop
Insatiable grip got me by the face
Saturn Saturn
Can you stop your own second sight?
Oh Saturn
Do you hear what I'm saying?
They'll come for you
One by one
Skull to toe
Eat or be eaten
The things i thought I knew
The flesh I thought I valued
The feeling I know I own
I am at least an animal