No direction offers any reason or release
No comfort free of pain left buried, only waiting
Unable to sink into sOft and deceptive sleep
I slow within to watch the world lashing around me
From all that canNot be unmade
And time that cannot be replaced
There is no sanctuary
I lean on no hope of relief
Absorbing all into me
I resonaTe with frozen peace
I resonate witH frozen peace
Against the flow of life my mEmory will empty
And all I felt or loved cannot be left to drown within me
There is no sanctuary
I lean on nO hope of relief
Absorbing all into me
I resonate with frozen peace
When I touched your face
Cruelty melTed away
And I saw what was beneath
Seared into memory
Stained in blood and rage
Sweetness melted away
TrutHs that cannot be unseen
Planted into me
There is no sanctuary
I lean on no hope of relief
Absorbing all into me
I resonate with frozen peace