Pink?! Hey Stacy isn't that Doughnut guy wearing pink armor?~
Nah becky.. Hes... Hes... um.. Hes...!
Lightish Red! Lightish Red! He is- He is- He is-Lightish Red! When your hot hot pink gets way to damn hot it turns Lightish red! When you go full on Ironically pink! When you wear a 3 ton power suit and get the pink one?!
No it's not pink! Not pink hot hot hot pink! Gay up the hot cherry lightish red power armor! When your power armor gets a hot hot hue! When your powerful in your skin and just the boys don't know your way! Way scarier than they think!
That Thier whole family isn't safe! Cause you would so rock Thier whole bloodline no homo! actually? Full homo! All god damn homosexual! Like the drips of pink hot paint fades and goes Lightish Red! When you stab a bitch and they bleed Lightish Red!
Bleed Lightish Red! Lightish Red! Lightish f*cking Red! When Simmons goes white?When Sarge goes "f*ck it!"
When! When!
When you! when you! when you! when you! when you! when you! when you! when you! when! when! when! when you just.....!
God damn sexy you halo nerd~