They say every pot has a lid that fits
So why am I still single still in this fix?
They say there's plenty of fish in the sea Then why is my hook's end empty?
Only on You can I rely
Only on You can I depend
Father please help me I cry
Don't want to die alone in the end
So why are the skies so blue
And the sun shining so bright
Smiling down on me
It's true
While I'm here alone not feeling right Sitting under the scorching sunlight
So why is everyone suddenly getting wed Walking around hand in hand instead? Starting families
Having kids to raise
While I'm here alone in a lonely phase Playing with my nephews and nieces for days
Only on You can I rely
Only on You can I depend
Father please help me I cry
Don't want to die alone in the end
They say if you just pray
It will happen in the end someway
So why am I still single I wonder?
They say enjoy the solitude it's no blunder Then why don't I feel any happier?
Only on You can I rely
Only on You can I depend
Father please help me I cry
Don't want to die alone in the end