A needle was no return
The Golden Web hid a clue
Waiting was a Million in sight
The Queen asked me a favor
Needle of golden glow
Sew with threads everything we see
Your web of golden knows
Mankind is always changing
Metallic Golden Flow
Made rivers to connect us all
That golden train hides from all
A New Dawn!
Carmillia has brought up
In secret a new plan
The Queen seems to have found a
Million advice
Her whispers caught me bad
What does she see time far?
It's moment that I know firsthand
What she hides
Million, the vassal
By choice, I'm Carmillia's aid in this
Million, the vassal
By fate, I'm conducting progress
Millions, the vassals
By choice, That were trapped ignoring this
Millions, the vassals
And yet, our time has stopped
Mill a Millennia
They call him Million
He seems to bring from dark
The knowledge unbound
Mill a Millennia
The man called Million
Suggesting us a plot
Enticing freedom
Mill for an era
Progress is freedom
Let us pursue what's gone
In mankind's records
Mill for an era
Progressing wisdom
In thy name, mill anew
Arachne's core of gold
Mill a Millennia
They call him Million
He wish to bring from dark
The knowledge foretold
Mill a Millennia
The man called Million
Devising us a plot
Enticing freedom
Mill for an era
Madness is freedom
Let us pursue what's lost
In mankind's records
Mill for an era
Mill for a Million
In thy name, mill anew
Millennia of the new dawn!